I think I've got a little crush on you

'Cause you brought out the best of me, a part of me I'd never seen. You took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was made for movie screens

Head: @Catwa - Stanley Bento Head
Skin: @Stray Dog - Sora
Eyebrows: @Clef de Peau - Eyebrows v.37 [OMEGA] Applier Available at Mainstore
Hair: @DOUX - Atlas hairstyle
Ears: @L'Etre - Basic mesh ears 2018 
Body: @Signature - Gianni Mesh Body
*Facial Hair Applier: @Mister Razzor - Facial Hair Raphael Exclusive HUNT MOH*

**Shirt: @Chuck Size - VICTOR SHIRT Available NOW at @Signature Event**
Pants: @Lenox - Agitator Jeans Midnight

Ring: @FLI. - Outstanding Ring Gold

Sponsors: @Clef de Peau@Mister Razzor@Chuck Size and @Lenox â™¥

* Facial Hair Raphael - Black Color and Tintable (CATWA) / Black Color (OMEGA).
Exclusive: HUNT MOH.
Opens in august 4th - WOH5 starts at 8AM SLT
Find the mustache hidden in the store.
Four Wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul!
Mister Razzor Store/Inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crocus%20Island/22/176/3014 *

**Victor shirt is available only for Gianni and Geralt bodies during the signature event.**

Taken with my gorgeus, magnificent and wonderful partner Gaby

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